WONDERFUL TRIP 14.03 A few days ago, my friends and I enjoyed our trip in Yogyakarta and Magelang. We went there for an agenda “Tourist Hunt”. That age...Read More
Argumentative Essay - Introduction - Using Animals for Scientific and Medical Research 01.00 There have been pros and cons about using animal for scientific and medical research. Some people said that using animal is needed...Read More
Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summary - IMPETUS 22.58 QUOTING Seeking Knowledge The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every M...Read More
SMOKING ( CAUSES AND EFFECTS) 17.27 In the past smoking was not a big issue or problem. Smoking becomes common thing for adult people, especially for men. They have ...Read More
Entrepreneur 06.56 What is entrepreneur? Sounds like so cool name, isn't it? Entrepreneur is other name for businessman/business woman. ...Read More
Transition Signals in Writing 06.50 What are Transition Signals? Transition signals are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writ...Read More
CRY? WHY NOT? 06.39 Is it OK for me n to cry in public ? All people have rightful authority to cry , aren't they? Cry is emo t ional e...Read More
speak-disappointed~ 08.06 pada dasarnya orang orang ini malas bersih-bersih kok. udah tau politik itu kotor, kenapa ga ada yang mau bersihin sih? disapu, di-pel, ...Read More
muhasabah~ 22.18 i just wanna write it.. i just wanna do it.. i just.. i just.. i just.. i just wanna to be useful people.. useful woman.. us...Read More
The Bacteria Which Can Asunder The Garbage 22.46 Bacteria, from Latin’s word bacterium (plural, bacteria) is the biggest group from living organism. They are very small (microscopic)...Read More
Money 22.31 Money The simple definition of money is device to transaction. Money is the thing that you can get from many ways. There are from wo...Read More
“Magic Castle” 00.41 I like this song because the intonation/tone is soft, so I feel pleasant. In other hand, this song is one of Original Soundtrack drama ...Read More